After 10 years, WOLF HALL returned to our screens in 2024 bringing Hilary Mantel's epic saga to it's grim conclusion in WOLF HALL: THE MIRROR AND THE LIGHT.It is now set to dominate the PBS MASTERPIECE viewing platform from March 23.Directed by Peter Kosminsky, the six episodes tell the continuing story of Thomas Cromwell (Mark Rylance) and his complex relationship with Henry VIII (Damian Lewis) after the execution of Anne Boleyn.The new soundtrack reunites original Wolf Hall composer Debbie Wiseman with The Locrian Ensemble. Debbie Wiseman comments on her return to that world - "The distinctive sound of Wolf Hall is all about immediacy and being in the present with these characters. Drawing on elements from the original Wolf Hall score, new themes have been created for our soprano, Grace Davidson, our viola player, Philip Dukes, and our mandolin player and guitarist John Parricelli. It's been the most thrilling experience composing the score for this production."